
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

NCL Breakaway - Bermuda Cruise Review (10/27/24 - 11/02/24)

NCL Breakaway - Bermuda Cruise (09/27/24 - 10/06/24)

Last month, my cruise partner and I scratched a sudden itch to take a cheap cruise. This month, we took the cruise we originally planned to take in the Fall. It is a pure coincidence that we ended up booking two Bermuda cruises for this year. but it is a fortunate circumstance, as we did not have the 3 port days in Bermuda that we expected on that sailing. 

But first things first....

We snagged a decent price for this trip: 

$1,585 fare (Balcony Cabin)  
$170 tax/port fees (included in our fare - broken out here for clarity)
$140 hotel/resort gratuities (included in our fare package)
$110 (Unlimited non-streaming package upgrade)
$153 gratuities for drink package 
$  20 gratuities for dining package

$1828 pp Total.

This is not a bad price for travelers taking a 7-day cruise out of New York at this time of year.  

  • This ship sails out of Manhattan.  We'll take Metro North to NYC, and then
    take a cab to the cruise terminal..
  • Our booking was for a Balcony Cabin.
  • Our prior experiences on NCL have all been positive.  But are we getting full value for money spent?


As most people who cruise often know, itineraries are plans that can change in a moment's notice.  This cruise was scheduled to spend 3 days in Bermuda.  However, this cruise was at risk of being significantly shortened due to a medical emergency causing the ship to return to New York to disembark a passenger.  Even though the ship lost 8 hours of cruising to Bermuda, we only lost 2 hours of time there due to slack time built into the schedule.

Transit to the Manhattan Cruise Terminal:

This is an easy place to reach via mass transit, albeit with a cab ride from one of Manhattan's two major train stations (Grand Central Terminal and Pennsylvania Station).  Use of crosstown buses is not advised for "last mile" transit, as the 42nd street crosstown bus is often overcrowded.


We are accustomed to cruising from the Manhattan Cruise Terminal.  Unlike MSC (and some other cruise lines) NCL supplies each cruiser with their cruise cards while on the pier. Although this slows the process of getting people onboard a little, it ensures that cruisers do not accidentally store their luggage in someone else's cabin by accident.

In the past, we have arrived at this terminal around 11 am or so, and have encountered long lines with long waits before getting our cruise cards.  For this cruise, we chose a 1 pm arrival time at the pier, so that we could avoid most of the crowds and still have enough leeway to make it to the pier before the 2 pm deadline.  (All passengers must be on board the ship 2 hours before sailing, as the ship's manifest must be complete before being given to authorities.  Passengers arriving after this time can and will be denied access to the ship.)


Our Balcony cabin, 13164, was easy to reach and was comfortable for 2 people. Not only was there storage space available in the closet, but there was extra storage space by the desk as well.  Like most cruise ships, one can store most pieces of luggage under the bed(s).  However, since we didn't use the sofa bed for seating, we used it as a shelf for extra storage.

Like the MSC Meraviglia, the NCL Breakaway did not have USB ports at the bedside.  However, it did have two North American and two European outlets by the desk, from which I ran an extension cord to my bedside where I plugged in my CPAP machine.  

The bathroom facilities were adequate.  However, we noticed that the shower stall had no foot rest that a woman could use when shaving her legs.  This is an oversight that I hope will be corrected by a simple retrofit of such a support.

Throughout the cruise, we had problems with keeping the cabin at a comfortable temperature.  Often, it was either too cool or too warm.  When we first sailed from New York, the middle setting didn't keep the cabin warm.  When we sailed from Bermuda, the same setting kept us too warm. We seemed to need to adjust the setting every few hours or so.


The first show we attended in the main theater was a comedy performance by 2 comedians. The first comic's set depended on scatological humor - he was literally making jokes about defecation.  Although my partner had a laugh or two, I fell asleep sitting up and missed the second comic's performance.

The second show we attended in the theater did not depend on one's knowledge of the English language or of the North American culture.  It was a performance by 2 male and 2 female performers singing Broadway show tunes.  This show made up for my boredom in our first visit to the theater by being something I'd consider paying to see.  

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We also enjoyed some of the singers who performed in the atrium.  However, some of those singers had set lists that showed off the worst of their voices, and this took away from the experience of listening to them sing.  

Food/Dining Venues:

  1. Garden Cafe (Buffet) - Complimentary Restaurant.

    We visited the buffet for breakfast, lunch, and for snacks.  Although there were some ethic foods available, most of the available food focused on typically American staples such as Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Pizza, Carved Meats, Vegetable Dishes and Salads.  

    Peak times at the buffet tended to be chaotic - as is typical for most cruise ship buffets.  During peak times, it was often very hard to find a table at the buffet.  However, at non-peak times, we found it easy to find a table. 

    Breakfast offerings at the buffet were plentiful, and were refreshed often. However, one is not likely to find rye bread (for toasting) in the buffet (or anywhere else on the ship.)

    Two random things of note about the buffet: (1) I encountered a serving station that was making Caesar Salad to order.  The server was adding all ingredients to a continually chilled bowl, and tossing them.  I was able to get the salad exactly the way I enjoy it most - topped with anchovies.  (2) Although we were too late to select this, the buffet often has a soup station where one can have an udon noodle soup made to order.

  2. Shanghai Noodle Bar - Complementary Restaurant (until 12/31/24):

    Although we had passed by this restaurant on prior NCL cruises, we decided to try it on this cruise because it will be an upcharge after 12/31/24.  It has two major drawbacks.  First, it is immediately adjacent to the casino, and cigarette smoke can waft in while one is trying to enjoy a meal.  Second, the place was very noisy, and it was hard to have a conversation unless one wanted to try and talk over the nearby crowd.

    Service in this restaurant was slow, and appetizer portion sizes are confusing. Some of the dishes are tasty, but most of them leave a bit to be desired.  Hopefully, after the new year comes, NCL will find a way to improve this venue, as it is the closest thing to an Asian sit down restaurant one will find on the ship.

  3. Taste/Savor and Manhattan Dining Rooms - Complimentary Restaurants:

    Breakfasts - Taste/Savor Rooms.

    What can one say about mass produced breakfasts?  With the exception of our final morning on the ship, service was slow, and the food was acceptable.  On the final morning, my partner found that the scrambled eggs were inedible, as if they were made from a powdered mix.  Although the restaurant was willing to prepare a couple of eggs over easy for both of us, slow service prevented us from being able to eat those eggs, as our disembarkation group was called before the eggs reached our table.

    Lunches - Taste/Savor Rooms.

    Neither of us could complain about lunch at these Complementary restaurants, save that service was slow.  There were enough selections on the menu to give us meaningful dining choices, and we enjoyed what we ate.  However, it took a reminder to our waiter for my cruise partner to get her cruise card back, as we had ordered sodas with our meal.

    At one of our lunches, I chose to have the Bay Scallops as a starter. I found them tasty, but it was strange to be eating them out of a dish meant to serve Escargots.

    Next, it was the pasta dish, Spaghetti Carbonara.  This was very tasty, and I would have had a second portion had I been really hungry.

    Finally, dessert came.  This little chocolate treat was tasty, but not something I'd order again on the cruise, as I started to look for something lighter with which to end my meals.

    The one item I ordered which underwhelmed me was the Onion Soup.  It was lacking enough melted cheese to make this soup something special.  Although I didn't finish it, the soup wasn't bad.  I was simply expecting something more like the French Onion Soup from Le Bistro that I'd be eating later on in the cruise.

    Dinners - Taste/Savor Rooms.

    We had two dinners in these rooms, and the only thing that stood out was the beef.  Last time I was on NCL, the cut I had was a little tough and gristly. This time, the beef was done well, and I had no complaints with the dish.  NCL had upped its game.

    Given that the Savor, Taste and Manhattan dining rooms all share the same menu each day, I would recommend them to people who are not going to any of the ship's specialty restaurants that evening.

    Dinner - Manhattan Room:

    This is the one complementary venue that we dined at which had music performed in the venue.  Of all the dinners we had in the complimentary restaurants, this was the one we enjoyed most.

    I started my meal with the Baked Brie Salad.  Although the greenery was underwhelming, I could have easily eaten a second (or third) portion of this starter.

    Following this, I chose the Chicken and Shrimp Paella.  Although not as good as I've had at Spanish restaurants in NYC, it was much more than "Just Acceptable".  (The next day, we saw this dish again at the buffet, and I was tempted to have it again.)

    Finally, it was time for dessert, and I chose the Eclairs.  I could have easily gone for a second portion of this dessert.  But, having gained several pounds on this cruise already, I decided to err on the side of caution and say no.

  4. American Diner - Complimentary Restaurant (Lunch).

    This restaurant was formerly a specialty restaurant on NCL's Breakaway and Breakaway+ class ships.  NCL tried to charge extra for a classic "diner experience" on these ships, but found that few people were using this venue.  They were asking: "Why would I pay extra for a cheeseburger at the American Diner, when I can get one for free at O'Sheehan's?" As a result, NCL changed course, dropping the charge to dine at this venue and removing the more expensive options (such as Lobster Rolls) from the menu.

    The one time we were able to eat here, the restaurant was crowded from the minute it opened at noon.  Service was noticeably slower than at the other Complementary restaurants.  My partner didn't care much for the Greek Salad she was served, while my Caesar Salad was acceptable, The cheeseburger was better than that I had at O'Sheehan's, while my partner's Pulled Pork sliders were overly sauced for my taste. 

  5. O'Sheehan's - Complementary Restaurant (Lunch).

    O'Sheehan's is NCL's version of a pub/restaurant, where one can get both a simple meal and a drink at almost any time, as it is open almost 24 hours each day.. Dining at O'Sheehan's is an exercise in mediocrity at best.  None of the dishes are exciting, but they are things you'd eat in a pinch, when nothing better is available.  However, you will likely be waiting until lunch time to get your breakfast order.  (Yes, I am exaggerating here.  But service is very slow at O'Sheehan's.)

    We chose to eat here once for lunch.  Although my partner's chicken wings were tasty, my cheeseburger was forgettable.  Yet, if we had the craving for something to eat at 2 am, this would be the place to go to on the ship.  But don't expect anything elegant.  The cheeseburger and fries I had ordered were served in a metal framed basket similar to which one would put those fries into a fryer for cooking.  If I had wanted to slice the burger in half for ease of consumption, this basket would have made it difficult at best to do so.

    Another thing of note: I had ordered the Caesar Salad at O'Sheehan's as part of this meal.  And with the exception of the shavings of cheese on top of the salad, it was forgettable.  I found that the freshly tossed Caesar Salad I noticed at the buffet one day was much better than this, as it included the option of having anchovies in the salad.

  6. Le Bistro - Specialty Restaurant (Dinner):

    Le Bistro is NCL's version of a French restaurant.  They are successful in making it possible to dine in an elegant, yet cozy environment, even though they are located off the "678" main pedestrian thoroughfare on the ship. Table seating is available both inside and outside the restaurant, though I don't recall seeing anyone outside when we were there.

    Normally, we would not try to eat at this restaurant more than once per cruise, as the food is deceptively rich.  On this trip, we ate here twice, as we couldn't make reservations for my two extra specialty dinners I get because of my loyalty status until we were on the ship.

    For our first meal, I chose the Escargots and the Onion Soup.  Both were tasty as I expected.  If all onion soups were this good, I'd be going out for onion soup every day.

    Then came the the main course, Coq au Vin.  Yum!  With this being said, I ordered this because it was something I wouldn't order on land.  It was a special treat that I'd have only once in a blue moon.

    Following this came dessert. the poached pear.  Sadly, I forgot to take a photo of this dish before ruining its appearance.  This dish would have been much better if a warm pear had been served over ice cream.  Instead, the pear seemed to have just come out of a freezer.  Although I enjoyed it, I would choose something else the next time I visited the place.

    The second time that we ate at Le Bistro, I ordered something different - the Mushroom Soup.  The presentation was perfect, and yet I felt there was something missing in the soup itself.  Would I order it again?  Maybe.  But with a great French Onion Soup available, why shouldn't I have the best soup on the menu.

    Next was the main course, the beef tenderloin.  Needless to say this steak was cooked to perfection, and one could almost cut it with a fork.  Yum!

    And finally came dessert.  This strawberry angel food cake concoction was just what the doctor may have ordered - it was light, airy, and full of flavor.  I would definitely order this dish again.

    One last thing of note: Our waiter was very knowledgeable about wines.  He told us of wines from his home country (and others), and how both the weather and the terrain affected the wines produced in these countries.  His advice in what wine to select for our meals was perfect, and I hope to see him on future cruises on this ship.

  7. Moderna - Specialty Restaurant (Dinner):

    Both Moderna and Cagney's restaurants are in the back of the ship at the end of the "678 Corridor" on the 8th floor, located above the complementary Manhattan dining room. Moderna is to the starboard side of the ship, while Cagney's is to port.  Both are great places to dine. On another cruise, we might have selected Cagney's for our Neanderthal Carnivore fix, as each is an excellent restaurant..  Both are decorated in wood tones, with Moderna having a mid-late 20th century feel to the place.

    Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures of the food being served here.  This is one of my go-to places onboard an NCL ship, as I am a devout Carnivore.  It is as good as any Churrascaria (Brazilian BBQ) I've eaten at on land, and I try to make it to this place at least once on any NCL cruise I take.

    This time around, I found that the salad bar lacked some of its former appeal, as I felt that it lacked a tiny bit in variety from the last time I was on an NCL ship.  However, the meats brought to the table more than made up for what might have been lacking in the salad bar.  They all were perfectly done, and I only wish I could have eaten more at this sitting.

  8. La Cucina - Specialty Restaurant (Dinner):

    Like Le Bistro, this is another specialty restaurant on the "678 Corridor." Unlike its French cousin, this restaurant also has true outdoor seating available, off the promenade deck of the ship. (This must have been a perfect place to eat when the ship was docked in Bermuda.)  It was just as cozy as Le Bistro, albeit in its own unique way.

    This is the one restaurant I felt that I would be underwhelmed by from the moment we made reservations for it. This is not because the quality of the place was not top notch.  Instead, it's because we have a surplus of good (or great) Italian restaurants in the New York City region.

    We started with Calamari.  This dish was prepared well, as the rings were tender, but not rubbery.  They were a pleasure to eat, and something I'll have again if I eat at this restaurant.

    Next came the house salad.  It was tasty, but forgettable at the same time.

    Then the main course arrived, Osso Buco. This was a pleasure, as the meat was falling off the bone.  The gravy made the polenta that the beef was served on a much better accompaniment to the meat than I'd have expected.

    Finally, the dessert came - Cannoli.  I'm always a sucker for good Cannoli, and this serving did not disappoint. If I had thought ahead, I'd have asked for two.  But then, I'd be a size larger after each cruise if I did so.

    One thing of note: La Cucina also serves individual sized pizzas.  This could be an excellent value proposition for those not on the dining plan who want a good pizza while on the ship.


  1. I'm glad that we didn't have to catch a flight to get home.  Our ship returned to New York on the day of the NYC Marathon. Given that I have NCL Platinum loyalty status, we were able to get ourselves assigned to an early debarkation group.  

  2. Unlike some of our cruises, it was easy to find our luggage in the Manhattan cruise terminal.  Each debarkation group is assigned a unique color, and our luggage was easy to find in the area dedicated to the Yellow group.

  3. Unlike some returns from previous cruises, we noticed NYC TLC (Taxi & Limousine Commission) Police monitoring the taxi stand across from the terminal.  Their presence may have inhibited some cab drivers from only accepting fares for airport trips. This made it easier for us to catch a cab to Grand Central Terminal at 8:30 am.

  1. Although NCL offers shore excursions in Bermuda, we felt that the price/value equation wasn't good enough for us to take their excursions, as we had been in Bermuda 4 weeks earlier.  We knew enough about the archipelago from prior trips to take advantage of NCL's ferry to St. George (for sightseeing there) and to visit the Bermuda Museum (within walking distance of the pier).

  2. Unlike many Caribbean ports, Bermuda is a relaxing experience.  Although there are people at the pier trying to sell you guided tours and shuttles to beaches, the locals tend to leave tourists alone unless they need assistance.

  3. NCL charters its own ferry to take people from the Dockyards area to St. George.  This free ferry service saves both time and money for people wishing to visit the other side of Bermuda, as it avoids having to connect through Hamilton, the Capital of Bermuda.
  4. Unlike some other cruise lines, NCL serves fountain soda at its bars.  This means that one not take a couple of cans of soda back to the room to be enjoyed later on in the evening.  At $3.50 per glass (if one is not on a drink package), one is getting less than half the amount of soda in a serving than had one been given a full can.

  5. Unlike some other cruise lines, NCL has changed its staffing, so that room attendants come in once per day to service the room.  This means that you might not have your room serviced (as happened to us) if the room is not available to the attendant during his/her shift.  However, one can always call the hotel staff desk to get attendant service at other times.

  6. Unlike another cruise line that does 7-day Bermuda sailings, customers with specialty restaurant dining packages (such as provided in the Free At Sea/More At Sea promotions) may select food items from almost all of the menu for that restaurant without up-charges.

  7. The "678 Corridor" may be on decks 6, 7 and 8.  But it doesn't affect the intimate feel of the restaurants we dined at.  However, given the location of the ship's seafood restaurant near the casino area, it is possible that the ambiance of the restaurant might be affected by the noise coming from outside.  That is something I'll have to check out in a future cruise on this ship.


On the whole, I consider NCL a good value for the price charged. However, it no longer provides as much "Bang per Buck" as NCL provided before the pandemic.